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About Laura Lynne


Psychic Astrologer/Journalist/Artisan Botanical Perfumer 


Lynne is a Great Lakes astrologer, artisan perfumer, and former newspaper columnist.  She currently lives in East Lansing, Michigan.  She has a busy practice that includes reading for peole throughout the country and sometimes in other parts of the world. She has been astrologer for over 20 years. She lives and works just minutes from Michigan State University, where she, her parents and her maternal grandmother, attended college (we all graduated - whew! and yes, we are MSU sports fans).  


Lynne has traveled throughout the world, living in London, Copenhagen, and Manhattan. In Copenhagen she worked as an 'au pair' (a children's nanny) where sge was also the daytime overseer of Gallery Allen, an in-home art gallery owned by Lynne's employer, the beautiful and well known Danish woman, Jytte Allen, who now owns Documenting the Arts in Vancouver, BC, Canada)  Lynne returned to the US to live in NYC and later returned to Michigan where her family resides. 


Lynne's late aunt, Alice Galmore, wrote about the family in her genealogy history, The Malpass Family of East Jordan, Michigan. Lynne is the great granddaughter of William Ellis Malpass, the father of the family about whom the boo ks is written, and the co-founder of the former East Jordan Ironworks and now EJIW, an international company still based in Northern Michigan.

She spent much of her childhood and all of her summer vacations and holidays, on the shores of Lake Michigan.  Summers were spent in Northern Michigan, near Walloon Lake, where Ernest Hemmingway summered years before she was born, (his feet - and pen - left a big imprint). East Jordan, where her parent's spent their childhood and her mother's family still resides and nearby Petoskey, Charlevoix, Traverse City, and Saugatuck, on Michigan's west shore near Chicago, are still her favorite places to spend time.

She has two male cats, D'Artagnan Coeur de Lion, the Lion Hearted Cat Musketeer, and Percival, named after the youngest of King Arthur's knights and in some stories, the knight with the purest heart. 

Lynne has a small Russian Ballet Doll collection (made at the Old Imperial Workshop of the Mariinsky Theater in St. Petersburg, Russia,  from authentic ballet costume fabrics), and a special interest and small collection of antique and period clothing and fabric from around the world (clothes from antique Indonesian blankets, from hand woven, hand died, and hand sewn cloth from a nomadic tribe of India, from antique linen tablecloths of Ireland, etc),a collection of exotic essential oils, and a few unusual and precious stones and minerals.   


Lynne was, a self-syndicated Astrology Advice column that reached 75,000 newspaper readers in Michigan and South Carolina.  She also works and consults in aromatherapy and has used natural fragrancing and flower essences as part of her astrology practice for many years.  


She started her career as a journalist as a correspondent working for the Lansing Bureau of United Press and then did a series of profiles for the Detroit Free Press.  She went on to work as a broadcast journalist and News Director for MacDonald Broadcasting, and later as press person for the Michigan Assn of Acupuncurists.  


She authored two activity books for children based on the history of Michigan that are in the Library of Michigan.


Her art work (which can be seen sitting or hanging around her home) in photography, pastel drawings, welded steel and cast bronze sculpture has been exhibited in various art centers and galleries around Michigan .

Lynne's Experience

Lynne has a national astrology practice.  She has appeared in newspaper articles, radio and television interviews in major cities throughout the country.  Her weekly astrology column appeared in various Gannett newspapers in Michigan and South Carolina and was seen by 75,000 newspaper readers.  


She has had a full time national practice for  over 20 years and has worked with numerous clients.  Among them are individuals and companies.  Lynne has been a personal and business advisor to investment groups, top gun pilots, minor European royalty, well known journalists, Hollywood television actors and actresses, writers, producers, comedians, distinguished New York film makers, manufacturers, clothing boutiques, beauty salons and day spas,  text book publishers, attorneys, doctors, holistic medicine practitioners, well known chefs, scientists,well known choreographers, and a host of others.


She is currently teaching tarot it as a tool for intuitive recognition of patterns at a crime scene and she often teaches it as a tool for developing intuition.  Her students have included published poets and artists looking for new creative approaches.


Aromatherapy and Natural Fragrances

Lynne also develops and blends artisan natural fragrances.  She feels that this helps people bring out their inner beauty.  


She also uses it to create an alchemy with astrology to help clients bring out their deeper potential for growth and change.  


She also lectures and teaches workshops and classes on astrology, aromatherapy and the alchemy of natural perfume blending, the development of intuition, and tarot, throughout Michigan.



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